olfactory brain

英 [ɒlˈfæktəri breɪn] 美 [ɑːlˈfæktəri breɪn]

网络  嗅脑



  1. In birds, the olfactory ratio is the relative size of the bulb compared with that of the brain's cerebral hemispheres and is usually expressed as a percentage.
  2. They also found that the olfactory lobe at the front of the brain, which processes the sense of smell, was shunted downwards.
  3. In the vertebrates ( animals with backbones), smell is processed in the olfactory bulb, which in birds and reptiles is found in the very front of the brain.
  4. When you swirl wine in a glass and sniff it, the volatile essences of the wine are carried by thousands of nerve endings in your nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb in your brain.
  5. The effects of olfactory bulb removal on rostral migratory stream in adult rat brain
  6. Conclusions: There are different amounts of positive nestin cells in the hippocampus, striatum, under ependyma, thalamus opticus, olfactory bulb, cortex of human fetal brain.
  7. Olfactory system has a relative simple cortex inherent structure, the converted forms of which always appear in other parts of brain.
  8. The effects of olfactory bulb removal on neurogenesis in the subventricular zone in adult rat brain
  9. In this review, we unraveled coding patterns of two olfactory systems for information recognition at three levels: olfactory receptor, olfactory bulb and higher brain region beyond the olfactory bulb.
  10. Not only is it due to the fact that olfactory system is yet among the most unknown sensory neural systems, but also because olfactory neural system has been reported to be tightly related to the learning and memory mechanisms of the brain.
  11. As the Olfactory system provides a direct pathway through inner brain to outer, the olfactory-to-brain pathway may be a new way for the CNS medicines 'entry into the inner brain.
  12. In contrast, the olfactory cortex likely use temporal pattern to encode neuron populations, and perception of odor is related to different region of brain in MOS.
  13. Aim The feasibility of intranasal brain targeting drug delivery system via the olfactory pathway from nose to brain was explored.



  1. a center in the cerebral hemispheres that governs the sense of smell in lower animals

      Synonym:    rhinencephalon